A work inspired by ancient art with the underlying story of Cluster headache. A still little understood nasty disease that narrows the blood vessels and causes the most severe pains.

A limited serie of works in acrylic resin (composite de fer) of 12ex + 3EA - A limited bronze serie of 8ex + 3EA 

Dim: 50x65cm


With this sculpture I tried to translate the female forms in an abstract way without losing the individuality of the depicted figure

A limited serie of works in acrylic resin (composite de fer) of 8ex + 3EA - A limited bronze serie of 8ex + 3EA Dim: 86x68cm


Aphrodite is a work inspired by Greek mythology with a contemporary approach

Aphrodite is the Greek goddess of love, beauty and desire. She is often depicted as a beautiful woman and is associated with both romantic love and physical attraction. In mythology, there are several stories about her origins; one of the most famous is that she was born from the foam of the sea after Kronos threw the genitals of Uranus into the ocean.

Aphrodite had many lovers, both gods and mortals, including Ares, the god of war, and Adonis, a deadly hero. She played an important role in several mythological stories, including the Trojan War, which began with the famous “Beautiful Helena,” the wife of Menelaus, who was seduced by Paris, with Aphrodite's help.

Her Roman counterpart is Venus, and she is often depicted with symbols such as the dove, the rose and the myrtle. Aphrodite represents not only romantic love, but also the complexity of human relationships and the beauty of nature.

A limited serie of works in PU resin of 12ex + 3EA - A limited bronze serie of 8ex + 3EA Dim: 48x31cm


Caryatids are best known from the Erechtheion, a temple on the Acropolis of Athens, where they perform the function of columns. They are often depicted in elegant, flowing poses, with clothing that accentuates the female forms. This contrast between the female figure and the heavy architectural elements is a wonderful example of how art and architecture came together in classical antiquity.

Caryatids were also used in later styles and periods in architecture, and they remain a popular and recognizable element in various architectural designs.

I have tried to translate the caryatid figure into a contemporary context

A limited serie of works in acrylic resin (composite de fer) of 8ex + 3EA - A limited bronze serie of 8ex + 3EA Dim: 75x45cm


A work inspired by the 3D world where shapes emerge from each other and form their whole without limitations

A limited serie of works in PU resin of 8ex + 3EA - A limited bronze serie of 8ex + 3EA Dim: 127x65cm


Icarus is a figure from Greek mythology, best known for his tragic story that deals with the limits of human ambition and ignoring warnings. He is the son of Daedalus, a brilliant inventor and architect, who designed a labyrinth for King Minos of Crete.

To escape from the labyrinth and from Crete, Daedalus made wings of feathers and beeswax for himself and Icarus. Before they took off, Daedalus warned Icarus not to fly too high, because the heat of the sun might melt the wax, but also not too low, lest he fall into the sea.

During their flight, Icarus was so excited that he ignored the warning and flew higher and higher, closer to the sun. Eventually the wax melted off his wings, and he fell into the sea, which is now called the “Icarian Sea.”

The story of Icarus has often been seen as a warning against hubris and the consequences of ignoring limitations, and it remains a powerful symbol in literature and art.

A limited serie of works in PU resin of 8ex + 3EA - A limited bronze serie of 8ex + 3EA Dim: 125x100cm


The Minotaur is a mythical creature from Greek mythology who is half man and half bull. He was born of the unusual union of Pasiphaë, the wife of King Minos of Crete, and a magnificent bull sent by the sea god Poseidon. The Minotaur lived in the labyrinth, an intricate maze designed by Daedalus at the request of Minos to hold the monster captive.

The Minotaur fed on human sacrifice, and every year seven young men and seven young women were sent from Athens to Crete to be given to the monster. The story of the Minotaur is closely linked to that of Theseus, a hero from Athens.

Theseus decided to stop the sacrifices and went to Crete to kill the Minotaur. With the help of Ariadne, the daughter of Minos, he obtained a ball of thread so that he could find his way back into the labyrinth after defeating the monster. Theseus succeeded in his mission, and the Minotaur was killed.

The story of the Minotaur symbolizes themes such as the struggle between the human and the animal, the victory of reason over chaos, and the courage to overcome fear.

A limited serie of works in acrylic resin of 8ex + 3EA - A limited bronze serie of 8ex + 3EA Dim: 75x65x39cm


a work inspired by climate change and its impact on mother earth

A limited serie of works in PU resin of 8ex + 3EA - A limited bronze serie of 8ex + 3EA Dim: 44x41cm


Prometheus is an important figure in Greek mythology, famous for his cleverness and his opposition to the gods. He is often seen as the symbolic representative of human ingenuity and the quest for knowledge.

Prometheus is best known for his act of disobedience: he stole fire from the gods and gave it to mankind. This fire symbolized not only literal fire, but also knowledge, technology and the progress of civilization. By this act, Prometheus helped humanity to develop, but he drew the wrath of Zeus, the king of the gods.

As punishment for his actions, Prometheus was chained to a rock, where an eagle eats his liver every day. Because Prometheus was an immortal being, his liver grew back every night, making his suffering perpetual. He was eventually freed by the hero Heracles (Hercules), but his story remains a powerful example of the consequences of rebellion and the quest for knowledge and enlightenment.

Prometheus is often seen as an archetype of the tragic hero, and his story touches on themes of sacrifice, human progress and the price of freedom.

A limited serie of works in PU resin of 8ex + 3EA - A limited bronze serie of 8ex + 3EA Dim: 81x51cm


My first work inspired by an encounter with the 3D world.  

 A limited bronze serie of 8ex + 3EA Dim: 72x43cm


A work inspired by Japanese Sumo wrestling

 A limited serie in acrylic resin of 12ex + 3EA Dim: 21x18cm

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